PDC4S:\CODING\Web - App Development (All related Courses to Web and App Dev)\Udemy Courses Web Development\MERN React Node Next.js Multi User SEO Blogging Platform

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. Course Introduction1/13/2022 10:36 AM
10. Blog API1/13/2022 10:36 AM
11. Frontend Blog1/13/2022 10:36 AM
12. Related Blogs1/13/2022 10:36 AM
13. Admin Blogs Update Delete1/13/2022 10:36 AM
14. Categories Tags and SEO1/13/2022 10:37 AM
15. Blogs Search1/13/2022 10:37 AM
16. User Public Profile1/13/2022 10:37 AM
17. Creating Blogs by Authenticated Users1/13/2022 10:37 AM
18. Token Expiry and Disqus Commenting System1/13/2022 10:37 AM
19. Sending Emails with Sendgrid1/13/2022 10:37 AM
2. Node API Setup1/13/2022 10:37 AM
20. Password Forgot and Reset1/13/2022 10:37 AM
21. Account Activation on Signup1/13/2022 10:37 AM
22. Social Login with Google1/13/2022 10:37 AM
23. Google Analytics + Static Page1/13/2022 10:37 AM
24. Deployment with Digital Ocean, Cloudflare and more1/13/2022 10:37 AM
25. Additional Improvements1/13/2022 10:37 AM
26. BONUS LECTURES1/13/2022 10:37 AM
3. User Signup Signin1/13/2022 10:37 AM
4. React with NextJs1/13/2022 10:37 AM
5. Frontend Signin Signup1/13/2022 10:37 AM
6. Protected routes for Admin1/13/2022 10:37 AM
7. Categories API1/13/2022 10:37 AM
8. Tags API1/13/2022 10:38 AM
9. Categories and Tags - Frontend1/13/2022 10:38 AM