PDC4S:\2023\Anik Signal - Facebook Ads Mastery

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NameSizeDate Modified
07. Advanced Strategies9/18/2023 6:28 AM
04. The Ad9/18/2023 6:28 AM
03. Landing Page9/18/2023 6:28 AM
02. The funnel9/18/2023 6:28 AM
01. Getting Started With Facebook Ads9/18/2023 6:28 AM
09. Nuts and bolts9/17/2023 4:43 PM
11. Bonuses9/17/2023 4:43 PM
10. Replays9/17/2023 4:43 PM
05. Targeting9/17/2023 4:43 PM
06. Optimization9/17/2023 4:43 PM